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  • High-Growth Strategy Specialist, Educator + Previous Fellow, London Business School, Duke Corporate Education + London School of Economics’ Centre for Economic Performance

    Dr. Rebecca Homkes is a high-growth strategy specialist with the London Business School’s Dept of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, an Educator at Duke Corporate Education, and a previous Fellow at the London School of Economics’ Centre for Economic Performance. With her boutique consultancy, she advises CEOs and executive teams of top global companies and fast-growing enterprises on developing and executing growth strategies through extreme uncertainty.

    Homkes is the director of the global Active Learning Programme for the Young President’s Organization; a partner with GrowthX, a Silicon Valley investment ecosystem and innovation consultancy; and is the faculty lead of two large Fintech scaling and accelerators. A global keynote speaker, she is a member of several advisory boards, directed the joint McKinsey & Co and LSE Centre for Economic Performance Global Management Project since 2007 and has written for publications such as the Harvard Business Review, Businessweek, Fortune, and Forbes.

    A Marshall Scholar, she received her Ph.D. and MSc from the LSE in International Economy.

    Before LSE, Homkes received two degrees at Indiana University: BS (Honors) in business administration and a BA (Honors) in Political Science. She was a Wells Scholar and graduated as the school’s top graduate in 2005 and its sole Herman Wells Scholar.

    She previously served as a Fellow at the White House’s President’s Council of Economic Advisors and has worked in strategy consulting with Bain & Co.



Modernizing + Securing


The IT organizations that make up state, local government, and educational institutions have unique requirements and regulations that traditional commercial organizations aren't hampered by. From unique IT budgeting to strict compliance, "SLED" organizations are constantly forced to maximize every IT resource in their complex IT environments.

During this session, we'll cover what you need to do to modernize your IT infrastructure to gain greater efficiency, agility, and performance while maximizing your IT investment. You’ll also learn about the unique IT challenges in public institutions + discover innovative technology solutions to solve your greatest IT challenges.

  • Joe leads America's Sales Strategy at Rubrik, working with enterprise customers and federal agencies on leveraging the Rubrik Data Security platform to drive cyber resiliency. Joe is an accomplished technology executive with 20 years’ experience.

    Previously, he served in sales and leadership positions at NetApp, Splunk, and EMC. Joe resides in McLean, VA.



the Citizen + Student Experience:

Perspectives from State, Local + Education CIOs’ 

In this session, we’ll discuss the challenges of leveraging technology to meet the needs of citizens and students, including the need to create a seamless user experience and create innovative partnerships between educational institutions and state + local governments. Top CIOs will discuss how they are using technology to improve access to vital government services, provide citizens with more efficient and cost-effective services, and create a more engaging learning experience for students.

We’ll explore the importance of developing a digital-first mindset for both citizens and students, in order to ensure successful implementation of technological solutions. We’ll conclude with lessons learned and recommendations for CIOs looking to improve their own experience. 

  • Bio Coming Soon!


  • More coming on Melinda soon!

  • Dr. Anne Milkovich is the Chief Information Officer for the Nevada System of Higher Education. Anne has over 16 years of experience in higher education including CIO and related roles at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and Montana State University. Prior to that, Anne spent 20 years in private sector IT fields and business consulting. Her education includes an MBA and a doctorate in Higher Education Administration, with research in the practice of academic program prioritization. Her IT experience is primarily in the business management aspects of IT: leadership and management; financial planning and investment management; contracts and acquisitions; and portfolio, program, and project management.

  • Bob Leek leads Clark County's Information Technology team of nearly 200 employees, driving innovation to efficiently deliver cost-effective, robust solutions that provide faster and better ways for employees to do their jobs and for resident of Clark County to access services.

    Leek has an extensive background in managing large capital projects, developing strategic plans, and implementing systems. He has more than 30 years experience in information technology in both the private and public sectors, including time with Multnomah County, Ore., Kaiser Permanente and

    Under Leek's direction, County IT services include the assessment, development, implementation, and maintenance of technology-based business solutions to support County goals and objectives. The department also maintains a current and secure enterprise technology infrastructure that is required to protect County technology assets and to position the County's infrastructure for the future. In addition to providing day-to-day business and technical services, IT is also responsible for providing leadership and strategic direction for the technology infrastructure on which these services are based. Through a broadband initiative, the County is leading efforts to connect the “last mile” of fiber to homes and businesses in underserved areas.

    “We live in an unprecedented time with our phones and devices serving as our connection to work and each other, and the County is focused on responding to this new demand to more fully-engage those we serve as they seek our assistance or conduct business with us," said Leek who also holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from Berry College. "In doing so, we can address the digital equity gap that so many experience daily and bring services to those who need it most through affordable, high-speed internet connectivity and solutions to help ensure that all our residents can participate in the growing digital economy.”


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May 3


May 18